I had a claim and the insurance company didn't pay me full value of my item, what happened?

Never had anyone ask how cheap their policy was during a claim. Personal Property and Insurance has several very important values when you are talking with an insurance agent. We go over these coverages at the time of presenting the quote with the client. It gives them the information to make an informed decision. Quote today. There is Replacement Cost Value is the amount of money it would cost to replace an item with a similar item of like kind and quality in today's market. RCV is typically higher than actual cost because it takes into account the cost of inflation and the cost of replacing the item with a similar item of like kind and quality. / Where do you shop? Actual cost is the amount of money it would cost to repair or replace an item with the same item. Insurance companies calculate ACV by subtracting the depreciation from an item’s replacement cost value. This coverage is often cheaper than Replacement cost value. Depreciation is the decrease in...