Are you paying too much for home insurance?

At Wenatchee Insurance , we like to know why a possible new client in Chelan/Douglas County is searching for new coverage with us. Yup, the answers vary, but we do see some trends, and usually that is centered around price. Who doesn't think about price these days? Buyers have more options than ever and the elusive better deal is sometimes not elusive at all. Are you paying too much for insurance? People don't want to overpay. Plain and simple. You'll see the majority of advertisements focus on helping customers save money. $300 billion a year spent on advertising proves this to be the case. Companies want to keep saving money front of mind, and when it comes to saving money, they want to stand out ahead of the competition to bring that buyer in-house versus going with someone else. For the consumer, the big question, am I paying too much? Trusting the companies that advertise to them isn't the best strategy. Never treat good marketing as equali...