Do You Have To Have Home Insurance In Wenatchee, Washington?
Whether you live in Wenatchee or not, we think it's great when we hear from Washington homeowners and learn they do not carry a mortgage on their home. This usually falls in the range of a third of the Washington state population. That is a great situation to put yourself in, and we know it's not easy getting there unless you received the house as a gift from your late great Uncle. We'll get questions from folks in this situation about whether or not insurance is required at this point. That's a valid question. Why would someone want to pay a premium for insurance on a home if they aren't required to do so? It just so happens, Washington law does not mandate a homeowner as required to carry insurance on their mortgage-free home. So, what about those who do carry a mortgage? Do you have to have home insurance in Wenatchee? What About Mortgage? The majority of the Washington population does carry a mortgage and we are required to carry home insurance. You ...